Does modern world allow us to combine Catholicism with a strong female personality? At first sight it seems to be rather impossible, however these are only stereotypes, which have been functioning in our society for years. The truth is that having healthy attitude towards religion and life, doesn’t exclude us from being happy and satisfied people.
What if to Catholicism and strong female personality we add a physical disability? Well … it can create a great combination, a real recipe for dynamite! Everyone, to a greater or lesser extent, is subject to criticism of other people. From my own experience, I got to know that we shouldn’t always bother with such comments. Some of them are just caused by a human sheer stupidity, and the rest may just be an expression of malice and the way to build one’s own confidence at the expense of others. Of course, some criticism is justified, and we should accept it, however many times the message is conveyed in a wrong way, which makes our self-confidence pretty low, and our mood gets so and so. Very often the influence of other people on our lives is invaluable, both the positive and the negative one. What should we do to have the perception of ourselves which is ours not others? It demands lots of self-awareness and work from us, but it’s really worth it … as it will help us gain inner peace and focus on what really is important in our lives. My today’s interviewee is Ania – the author of a blog A mohair feminist, who from the first moment has intrigued me with her perverse attitude towards this topic, which for many of us is quite controversial, namely the matter of faith and feminism, which has become very popular in the contemporary world.
Passion Piece: Could you tell my readers a few words about yourself?
Ania: I’m a linguist with a bit of flair for research. However, primarily I’m a woman. Why do I always try to emphasize this part of my personality in the first instance? At a certain stage of my life I noticed that my disability makes this part of me rather invisible. Not only in the eyes of others, but also in my own. This observation, which I felt in a tangible way, led me follow the scientific path, which I step to combine these two categories. The guide of my journey is Edith Stein.
Passion Piece: What inspired you to set up a blog?
Ania: Life. But also other people’s suggestions, who claimed that I’ve got something to say (even though I didn’t really believe in that).
Passion Piece: How did you come up with the name of your blog?
Ania: It’s common that Catholicism is identified with backwardness, so colloquially speaking with mohair (Passion Piece: In Poland Catholics are often pejoratively compared with fanatic grandmas wearing mohair berets). I want to show that Catholicism doesn’t really exclude a healthy female independence.
Passion Piece: In your blog you write a lot about different kinds of values. Which of them do you find to be partly lost in the modern world? And which of them should we come back to?
Ania: The basic value is the truth, which in any case Edith Stein was looking for. Archbishop Jędraszewski came to a conclusion that we live in the post-truth. This in turn undermines the truth about humans and other values, such as love for example.
Passion Piece: How does your disability influence your view of yourself and your perception of the world?
Ania: When it comes to me, in spite of the fact I’ve always thought I’ve been working on that issue well since I was a child, it has had a rather negative impact on my life. For sure some of my experiences intensified such a negative perception of myself. With time I became able to notice that sometimes people don’t do some things on purpose, they do it unintentionally, and sometimes they don’t really approach me with prejudice, as I used to perceive it.
Passion Piece: Who is a role model for you? Whom would you like to have a cup of coffee with?
Ania: Unfortunately, I can’t have a cup of coffee with Edith Stein. The role model is only one, the one in heaven. But seriously, I think that we can get inspired by every person we meet on our path.
Passion Piece: What’s your recipe for happiness?
Ania: I don’t really know if I can tell you the whole recipe, but for sure the main ingredient of happiness is gratitude.
Passion Piece: Have you got any other interests?
Ania: People fascinate me the most, and the way in which meeting them shows me … my true self.
Passion Piece: Can you imagine your life without passion?
Ania: For sure it’s possible, but pointless.
Passion Piece: What are your plans for the nearest future?
Ania: I’d like to finish my doctorate, develop my blog and related to it cooperation with other people. I’d also love to get rid of my walking frame (and there are quite big prospects for that).
Passion Piece: Which motto would you like to share with my readers?
Ania: ‘ (…) Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you (…)’. I’ve already found.
Passion Piece: Thank you very much for this inspiring conversation and I hope that a great number of my readers would like to visit your blog … and who knows maybe some of them would also like to drink a cup of coffee with you to talk about the matters related to both our bodies and souls? I wish you all success and health.
No matter which part of the world you live in, which culture or religion you were brought up in … the most important is to live according to your own conscience and to be governed not only by what is good for you, but also by what is good for others. The strength of femininity goes hand in hand with faith, that’s why it’s good to pattern yourself on people who are able to combine tradition with modernity. While criticizing others, think first how your comment may influence their lives, and if it’s really worth using words, which can never be taken back.
See you around!
Passion Piece
Photos by: Moherowa feministka
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Thanks for sharing this great interview. Learned a lot from reading it.
That's great you found something for yourself in this interview. :)
Beautiful and inspiring story! I was really curious about the meaning behind "mohair" in this context, so thank you for explaining!
I'm happy I made you curious! I had to explain this mohair issue, as it's typical of Poland and not everyone would know what it means in this context. :)
So interesting! I was also inspired by my life to start writing my blog. It's an empowering journey!
Life is the best inspiration to start doing new things. :)
Thank you for this interview I loved your questions
I'm happy to hear that you liked these questions. :)
It took me a while to grasp but yes, happiness is gratitude. :)
The faster we learn that, the better for us. :)
It was great to hear some different perspectives. Thanks for sharing the interview.
It's good to try to understand other people's perspectives, as not everyone perceives the same things in the same way. :)
If we live our lives with purpose and passion, the world will respect our choices, no matter how different.
That's right, it's great to have a look at other people and their passions ... it makes easier to understand them. :)
Thanks for this inspiring conversation. I admire her for the way she has taken life's challenges.
Yes, one needs to be strong to follow his/her believes. :)
this is really cool i love the idea of how she came up with her blog name
I'm happy you enjoyed reading this interview. :)
What an inspiring woman! I love her tenacity and passion for sharing her story and point of view with the world!
Oh yes, she can become a real inspiration for others! :)
She's got a lot on her plate! A blog, going for a doctorate, and what seems like finding a deeper connection with god. I wish her all the best!
That's right, hard work always pays off. :)
Such a beautiful interview! This really hit home for me. She sounds so in touch with who she is. Many women could use her a role model.
I definitely think she could be a role model for other women. :)
What a beautiful and lovely read. You are so inspiring and I truly believe you'll come across so many wonderful opportunities.
I hope she will make her dreams come true. :)
This is such a great interview. I learn so much about her. Thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear you liked this interview. :)
This is a great interview. I love how Ania says that gratitude is a recipe for happiness. I truly believe in that too!
We should learn how to be greatful for everything we get in order to be happy in our lives. :)
Inspirująca osoba i ciekawy wywiad!
Bardzo inspirująca, ten wywiad to była dla mnie prawdziwa przyjemność. :)
Myślę, że to bardzo smutne, że często zamiast widzieć osobę, jej charakter, marzenia, wartości, najpierw rzuca nam się w oczy jej ułomność...
Odnosi się to zarówno do osób sprawnych, jak i niepełnosprawnych ... każda inność powoduje pewnego rodzaju zamieszanie w ocenie drugiego człowieka. :)
Nazwa ma duży wpływ na odbiór i mnie chyba trochę przeraża połączenie moheru i feminizmu - z ani jednym, ani drugim nie mam po drodze. Z wywiadu jednak wynika, że nazwa jest przewrotną hiperbolą, więc chyba jednak nie ma się czego bać ? Na pewno Ania to świetna osoba do wywiadu - bo bardzo wyrazista ?
Ja również nie jestem ani moherem, ani feministką ... ale przewrotność nazwy tego bloga bardzo mnie urzekła. :)
Bardzo zaintrygował mnie ten wywiad. Ciekawa osoba, wartości i jej siła!
Zgadza się! Wiara czyni cuda! :)
Interesting interview. My favorite of all is "happiness is gratitude".
That's right that it's difficult to be happy without gratitude. :)
Such an inspiring story. Loved reading the interview. I firmly believe in gratitude so a lot of things resonated with me. -
I'm truly happy you found something for yourself in this interview. :)
Ciekawy wywiad. Ludzkie sprawy, to ważne sprawy. Nie zawsze wszystko można ot tak zrozumieć, ale nie powinno się krytykować ,,oceniać książki po okładce"
Zgadza się, po poznaniu osoby nieco bliż jest nam o wiele łatwiej ją ocenić. :)
Oh how interesting about the term "mohair!" We don't have that connection in the US!
In all countries we can find terms which aren't common in other countries. I'm glad you learned something new from this interview. :)
Really interesting interview, in a good way. I haven't heard of a 'Mohair' before. Seeing the term 'mohair' I had to look it up and learn more.
That's great that reading this interview made you check some new information. :)
Wow! What an inspiring interview! I like the way the word 'mohair' is described in context with Catholicism and paired with feminism. I absolutely love the way she's inspired by life and has risen above her limitations. Thanks for sharing this lovely post!
Thank you for your beautiful comment! We can learn a lot from people who need to overcome many odds to make their dreams come true. :)
I think you're amazing and I love your voice! I agree as a fellow woman and Catholic - we can most definitely be strong and independent while maintaining our beliefs. Loved your article!
That's right maintaining our believes doesn't mean we need to resign from being strong and independent. :)
Wow, bardzo inspirująca osoba... :o
Cieszę się, że tak uważasz. :)
What an incredibly strong woman, it must have been an honour to interview her. I am in absolute agreement that one of the key ingredients of happiness is gratitude.
It's always an honour to listen to people who are brave enough to follow their passions and maintain their believes. :)
Beautifully strong women and story! This here is what I constantly tell myself and my children - "While criticizing others, think first how your comment may influence their lives" - you have no idea what someone else's life fully looks and feels like or what they may or may not be going through!
I think we should teach kids that negative comments can influence others' lives in a negative way. We should make them more understanding and tolerant towards others ... at least I'm going to do that once I have my own kids. :)
I really enjoyed reading your interview with Ania. She seems like a genuinely good person. I share some of her views too. I also agree with her formula for happiness - gratitude. Be thankful everyday. We are far more blessed than others.
I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed reading my interview with Ania. I also share some views with her, although sometimes it's really difficult to implement them in our lives. :)
Wow! What a powerful message and powerful positive attitude. I not only love your introduction, but the interview. I'm not Catholic, but there is a lot to think about that non-religious people like myself can connect to.
I'm so happy that a non-religious person liked this interview, this means a lot to me! It's a very valuable comment! :)
Hey! Great interview and thanks for bringing some light and explaining this mohair issue, I was actually clueless until now!
I'm happy you got to know something new after reading this interview. :)
This is a great article about maintaining your beliefs and still being a strong feminist presence! Thank you for the encouragement!
I'm happy you find this interview valuable. I love people who can combine faith with a strong personality! :)