Have you ever tried to think how your life would look like without books? Imagine a futuristic world, ruled by bitter opponents of everything that for centuries has embodied a gateway to the world of knowledge, everything that for hundreds of years has brought real pleasure to people regardless of their background or education. They […]
A book the key to happiness?
What is a book for you? To me it’s one of the passions, which has accompanied me since the earliest years of my life and the only one, which allows me to enter a completely different world … a realm, which is normally impenetrable for average people … a place, in which I can step […]
Switching places … is it worth becoming a celebrity for one day?
Have you ever been thinking of switching places with all those people, who you watch on TV, and who represent everything you’d like to become one day? Have you ever sighed with admiration while seeing all these ideal men and women, who are not only beautiful, but also extremely successful in life? Have you ever […]